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9 y/o 16.1 refined Percheron/TB cross mare has foxhunted, and will go out alone hacks out to pond likes the water! Trialers, cross ties, clip and baths no issues. Nice and kind very willing to learn could also be a nice eventer type moves well too.



Here is Rudy he is an unusual draft cross, 2000 Clyde/Hackney gelding they are a very nice breed not too drafty they are very warmblood looking. He is truly a treasure! He is just wonderful to ride out in the hunt country he could careless about anything out in the field he just loves to follow those hounds. Very bold jumper as well he has stopped at nothing brought along slow and correct he has never been scared or overfaced. Has no idea that ditches eat horses he just hops right on over and dosn't give it a second thought! At 17.2 he will make a nice ladies mount as he is not very broad at the shoulders. Will make an excellent hunt horse or eventing type nice ground covering gallop! With 5 full seasons of hunting under his belt he and several hunter paces and hunter trials he has proven himself in the field. Loves to lope on the beach. Completed 3 Novice Level events in the ribbons with no jump penalties. Has live hunting experience too!




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